Pigeon Genetic Game

Pigeonetics is a game developed by the University of Utah Genetic Science Learning Center for web browser and mobile devices (iOS and Android). Players complete pigeon breeding challenges through trial and error. Students use evidence to learn the patterns of simple genetic inheritance, sex chromosome inheritance, and eventually incomplete dominance with dilution.

Pigeon Genetic Game

As curators of gender-inclusive resources, we like this game because it accurately portrays sex in animal species without conflating sex with gender or anthropomorphizing the animals. It also comes with a teacher guide.

Learn Genetics Pigeon

Factoring Genetics into Racing Pigeon Breeding Learning and understanding the genetics of racing pigeons is crucial to the successful breeding of the birds. There are genetic traits that you know desire and need to introduce to the gene pool of your loft. You need to know just what you want. Another important area is in linebreeding.