Game Of Thrones Pigeon Pie Walder Frey

Vampire Diaries + Game of Thrones Crossover. Katherine is the daughter of Walder Frey, who eventually marries Robb Stark due to the marriage pact.


Arya didn't take long to find her way back to Westeros — and the very first thing she did when she got there was reap some bloody revenge on those who have wronged her. Arya took out Walder Frey cold and quick. But why did Arya kill Walder Frey?

Arya has wanted to kill Walder for years: his name was always on her kill list, just waiting to be crossed off. Walder is among the men responsible for the Red Wedding, which remains one of the bloodiest spectacles on a show known for its bloody spectacles. The Red Wedding took Arya's brother Robb and her mother Catelyn from her; the Freys betrayed her family and desecrated their bodies, and it was all thanks to a plot hatched between Walder, the Lannisters, and the Boltons. She's had it out for Walder Frey ever since, and with good reason.

Arya waited until festivities were over to strike, and she utilized every skill she learned from the Faceless Men to do it – but with a creative twist to her revenge that I'm pretty sure she didn't pick up from Jaqen H'ghar, unless he teaches a cooking class at the House of Black and White that I don't know about.

Walder sat alone in his hall when a serving girl handed him a slice of pie. He demanded to know where his sons were even as the girl insisted that they were here – they were both right here. She gestured at the pie, horror and tension mounting as Walder peeled back the flaky crust to reveal what could have been a finger, or a toe. Then she pulled off her face and viewers saw that the serving girl was really Arya the entire time. Just in case Walder didn't get the hint, she announced herself to him. Then she slit his throat.


It's been no secret over the years that Arya has violence on her mind; she has been training to be an assassin, after all. And there couldn't have been anyone watching who wasn't happy to see Walder get his just desserts. Still, there was something more than unsettling about Arya's pleased smirk as she watched him die. It felt like a turning point for Arya, perhaps more than other murders she has committed. Despite how justified it is, it means something big for the character: Arya isn't messing around. She doesn't forget grudges, and she follows through on her promises of vengeance. She may not be a Faceless Man in the truest sense of it, but she is an assassin. She's just following her own orders instead of someone else's.

Arya has never been someone you'd want to mess with, but she more than proved that tonight. Anyone with a name on her list would do well to sleep with one eye open.

The Unofficial Game of Thrones Cookbook
From Direwolf Ale to Auroch Stew—More than 150 Recipes from the Westeros and Beyond
Alan Kistler
creator and co-host of
Crazy Sexy Geeks

Avon, Massachusetts

Lord walder frey

For my parents, Kevin and Lourdes.


Walder Frey Actor

This book is unofficial and unauthorized. It is not authorized, approved, licensed,
or endorsed by George R. R. Martin, his publishers, or HBO.


“Winter is coming … ”

That’s enough to give you goosebumps, isn’t it? The House of Stark’s words put a chill in the air, a sensation of icy wind and perhaps even snow, of chapped lips and cold hands seeking warmth. Even if Winterfell is just in our imagination, it can still

Game Of Thrones Pigeon Pie Walder Frey Died

George R. R. Martin has filled his series A Song of Ice and Fire with simple phrases and vivid passages that flood our minds with a torrent of feelings. Whether we’re reading the books or watching the show, we’re
Westeros in our minds. We envision ourselves sitting in the castles and fortresses of the Lannisters or the Starks. We ride with the Dothraki across a dreamscape. We feel the winds that blow at the top of the Wall, the bitter cold and the thinner atmosphere that somehow makes us more alert that out there, north of what we’ve come to know of the world, are creatures that should not exist and, worse, have taken notice of us.

Game Of Thrones Pigeon Pie

Humans, no matter what nation they are from or what kind of family raised them, are innately sensual. We always find ways to carry ourselves to places and times beyond our physical reach. Indeed, food can whisk us away in one sip, one bite, one breath. The moment we open a bottle of well-aged wine, we are breathing in the air of those long-ago times, air that was inadvertently trapped by whoever bottled the wine in the first place. When we eat a meal “from the old country,” we can imagine — in some corner of our mind where imagination keeps its best knick-knacks and mementos — that we are transported back, whether we’ve been there or not. We can imagine some aspect of how our ancestors lived because we know their food. We hunger for the fanciful and sate it with a bite of reality — so why not do the same for the fantasy of Westeros?